

Major overhaul of the road bridge on the 14 km section of PC1 Lyubotin - Merefa of the Southern Railway was designed and implemented by our team.

The existing two-span bridge was built over 40 years ago.  Three-component metal I-beams span was examined. Flooring was covered by second-year wooden sleepers. Ferro-concrete supports were present. Sidewalks, railings, barrier protection were absent. The total length of the bridge was estimated of 13.23m.

According to the bridge survey it was found in poor conditions and it required at least a major overhauling. Due to the increased load of the weight of vehicles and degradation of the bridge the decision of its major overhaul has been taken.

After comparing several options of repair, a single-span bridge design option has been adopted with the composite reinforced concrete spans on supports of bored piles of total length of 19.235 m.

Span structure consisted of nine longitudinal metal beams length of 18.535 meters, connected by pooling net. On the top beams are combined with reinforced concrete monolithic slab which was included in the work of the superstructure by means of flexible anchors. Due to the tightness of thoroughfare and the proximity to the railway bridge envelope travel on the construction of a variable was considered as 9-10 m, which is made by trapezoidal superstructure slabs (12 m by Komarovka and 13 m and by the railway). Sidewalks had been established to 2 × 1.0 m.

Poles were presented by high pile grillage: four-bored reinforced concrete pillars with a diameter of 1.0 m and a length of 11 m combined by nozzle. Cabinet walls and reinforced concrete slabs had been designed individually.

Bearings such as rubber bearings had been installed under each joist.
Asphalt coating thickness of 11 cm had been made. Waterproofing layer was made by FLEXIGUM-HP material. Expansion joints were created by crushed stone mastic.


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